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SNS iNNovation Hub & SpineX

SNS iNNovation Hub & SpineX

On Friday, 07 Jul 2023

Dear freshers!!! SNS iNNovation Hub and SpineX of DRSNSRCAS in association with Radio City is organising an event to find the right talents ,"Rock the Stage, Grab the chance". Do express your talents and find the right platform for your career!!! #radiocitytamil_ #radio #talent #dance #dancereels #dancervideo #mime #collegedance #SNSInstitutions #SNSDesignThinkers #DesignThinking #GDTA #DesignThinkingMattersNow #stanford #stanfordgsb #sutdsingapore #TiEGlobal #CII #YI #YoungIndians #Nasscom #Nasscomfutureskills #NaanMudhalvan #Upskilling #skillindia #startupindia #crunchbase #Ycombinator #makeinindia

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